Sustainable Seafood Guide

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Purpose of this Guide This guide aims to provide a high-level overview of the seafood landscape in order to empower folks in making seafood purchasing decisions. It’s important to note …

Introducing Our New Board President

Jason Jarvis

March 27, 2020 Friends, fellow fishers, and community advocates, My name is Jason Jarvis, a commercial fisherman from Westerly, Rhode Island. I have served on NAMA’s board for the past …

NAMA & COVID-19 – A Message To Our Community

Dear friends, These are scary times causing a great deal of anxiety for many. The news about the rapid spread of the COVID-19 virus continues, and in many ways feels …

America the Bountiful Tour 2018

Joint logo 2018

Exciting news! The tour website, is up and running. Check out the new site to read our blog and learn more about the national tour! Now that the Northwest …

Fishermen and Local Community Talk Fish

Nourish restaurant in Lexington, MA brought local fishermen and fisherwoman together with members of the community to talk fish.  Community folks learned why some of our local fishermen fish, what …

Making Room for Others to Lead

Niaz Dorry at the Food Sovereignty Prize, NYC 2012

“It was the fall of 2009 that I had a personal revelation: if our work was to continue effectively, and if I were to continue to grow as an activist, person, …

Be Brave.

December 20, 2013 Greetings! If we are serious about protecting the ocean, we must bravely address inequities and injustices in the system. And I hope you’ll stand with us as …

Dog(fish) Days of Summer

Most people take it easy in August; we ramp things up! Check out our latest newsletter about how we’re making high impact, having family style events, reaching markets, policy makers …

Hellos, Goodbyes and Updates

Check out our latest newsletter;introducing you to our new team members, saying goodbye to old ones, updates on a whole host of fronts including Too Big To Ignore conference in …

Spring Greetings from NAMA

It’s hard to send greetings without acknowledging that so many people are suffering around the world. Here in the greater Boston area, many are still reeling from last week’s violence. …