First Commercialized GE Animal a Market Failure Following Rejection by Largest Food Retailers, Food Service Companies and Court Challenges For Immediate Release: Thursday, December 12, 2024Communications contacts: Feini Yin, +1 (908) 745-9768, …
Counter-APEC protest calls attention to corporate-controlled food systems, connecting land and sea
SEATTLE, Wa. — On Thursday, a group of community members representing Washington’s fishing, farming, and food worker communities staged a creative action against the Asian Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) meetings …
Block Factory Fish Farms – Fair Prices for Fishermen and Eaters !
Take a look at our July newsletter for some media coverage of the crisis shrimpers are facing in the Gulf, corporate profits raising prices at the grocery store, catch share …
Reflections after the FDA public meeting on AquaBounty, December 2022: What if we instead invested in community-controlled food systems?
On December 15, 2022, members of the Block Corporate Salmon campaign attended the US Food and Drug Administration’s public meeting on its new environmental assessment of AquaBounty’s genetically engineered salmon …